Social Media Campaigns
‘Meet The Hammer Man’ – #hammerman
§ Call-to-action across franchise’s social media channels to encourage user-generated content
§ A short video series of the IPL auctioneer asking an auction-related Call to Action
Fan Poll: ‘Which IPL player would you bid to bring to your team in the auction now?’
Selfie competition: ‘Best Hammer Man impression’
#hammerman to enter the draw to win match day tickets and your own limited edition gavel hammer signed
by ‘The Hammer Man’, awarded pitch side with a Selfie on match day
TV/Video Presenter
‘IPL Players Under the Hammer’ – Show & Tell Show for Facebook/TV
§ A good humoured auction-style spin-off on the concept of BBC TV show ‘The Antiques Roadshow’
§ The Hammer Man is presented with a franchise Player of the Week for performance review and mock